Tab Kennedy

Disclaimer and Credits

I created my own portfolio website. It was made during my fall 2015 semester at university for my senior seminar class. The goal was to use the final product for graduate school applications and other general uses of portfolios.

The jQuery function on the homepage to filter through the categories was created with much help from Tim Kennedy II. We included the code under an MIT license. He also helped greatly with converting my HTML into Jekyll partials and publishing the site on GitHub. Other people that have helped me through the process of this website are Erik Deerly and Mike Glassburn.

I first created the responsive gallery for a class project in early 2015 and built upon it for this specific portfolio. Its creation would not have been possible without the inspiration from Peter Finlan's Boxify, published on Codrops.

As for individual works, I try my best to give credit to those involved in the descriptions, within the work, or on its YouTube page. These would include Creative Copyright music, sounds, stock images, or just people involved. If you spot something that should credit you but doesn't, please do not hesitate to contact me.